Educator Collaboration
Leadership Opportunity
Be a part of a community
Professional Development
Are you an educator dedicated to Career Readiness?
Are you prepared for the
upcoming changes in NYS education?
Be a part of a professional support system to network with colleagues, learn about CTE and Work-Based Learning programs, NYSED changes and workforce development opportunities for students.
Anyone dedicated to workforce development and career readiness can join! Counselors, Transition Coordinators, CTE Professionals, Administrators and more!
Benefits of Membership
Congratulations to our NYSCREA 2024 Award Winners!
Not pictured is third Student of the Year award winner, Yandiel Rodriguez from North Rockland HS
Thank you
to our sponsors
for your support!
NYSCREA Webinars
Join us throughout the year for our webinars that address your needs in the workforce. You can find out October 8th webinar here.
Topics discussed:
Want a sneak peek of our webinars? Take a look at some of our past events. All future webinars will be posted on our members only page.
Review what has been contributed by CTETAC and peers on CTE, WBL and field resources. Be a contributor!
Professional Development Calendar
Calendar of upcoming events from CTE Technical Assistance Center of NY
NYS Regional Occupations Database
NYS CTE Approved Program Labor Market Data: allows users to search by JMT, School, and CIP CODE to identify employment trends related to the CIP Code which are useful in data collection for NYSED CTE Program Re-approvals and the Perkins V Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment (CLNA).
NYS JMT Labor Market Data: This database allows users to search by JMT and Career Cluster to identify employment trends within a specified region which can help guide future programming enhancements or modifications, in addition to driving new CTE initiatives with the school or BOCES.
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